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shorod shorod is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 111
  1. lincoln1961
    11-30-2010 02:01 PM
    Hey Rob..
    I have an 02 Lincoln LS that isn't starting everytime. Had my local mec look at it, Battery and all connections OK. Coming up w Code B1281, and he sez possibly a defective dash cluster, or security module.
    RPM's fly up and over when I try to start it, and lites blink and horn blows,,, Any ideas? Thanks, Clock spring replaced a yr or so ago when the lites/horn and radio was acting weird. That fixed the problem
  2. F4JetMech
    11-29-2010 06:19 PM
    My email is Thanks again
  3. F4JetMech
    11-29-2010 06:16 PM
    Hi Rod,
    New member here. My 2001 Lincoln LS has NO heat. After reading numerous threads, I was able to troubleshoot and determine the following: no hot fluid exiting the DCCV, even after disconnecting connector to DCCV, no help. Inlet hose to DCCV from top of engine thermostat housing never gets hot. Also, lower radiator hose never gets warm either. No hot fluid entering or exiting DCCV. Ran on-board diagnostic of DATC, no fault codes displayed. Engine temp remains constant (guage mid-range), and does not over-heat. Could this be the thermostat not opening, or will that have any effect on no hot fluid to the DCCV? THANKS!!
  4. chefshanda
    11-09-2010 10:49 AM
    Hi Rod,

    I have been reading the posts and you seem to know your stuff. I have a 2002 lincoln ls v6 and was going to replace #3 spark plug and coil but after reading I think it maybe the pvc. If you can please offer me some advice I would appreciate it. My e-mail is
  5. alan10
    10-20-2010 09:45 PM
    Reading on forums, having the same issue on my '02 v6 Lincoln ls, could you send me the files I can hear a vacuum leak and want to find it, would like to find the pcv valve, I am looking for some instructions and pictures if possible.
    I am new to the forum and have read on your valuable info. My Ls will idle for 30 sec, start to shake, then without giving it any gas will just cut off.
  6. jvmason985
    10-18-2010 02:52 PM
    I have a bad pcv valve on my 01 v6 ls. please help!
  7. lincoln2x6
    10-14-2010 11:55 PM
    Rod, can you plz email me instructions and exact location of this pcv valve. My 02 lincoln ls just had the engine light come on at 54000 miles. I am an army mechanic and pretty handy with tools. I replaced one coil and all spark plugs as well as both valve gaskets. I looked for the valve and couldn't find it, the sun was setting so time was an issue. I'd appreciate it me email is thanks
  8. SymtecX
    10-11-2010 04:36 PM
    hey i was told that you have a copy of the 2000 lincoln ls shop repair manual. if you do could i ask for a copy?
  9. anthony e
    08-23-2010 11:19 PM
    anthony e
    hey i was hopeing taht you could till what would make my car loss power at high speeds and it being harg tostart and missing after a tune up thaqnks
  10. FordVanMike
    08-18-2010 02:57 PM
    Hey Rod,

    Where do I plug the converter into the battery? I'm not sure If I explained it well enough in my post, but I'm not going to have access to my vehicle, just the battery itself. I plan on bringing along the battery, and using it to power/charge my laptop while I'm hiking in the woods. Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • About shorod
    Real Name
    Cedar Rapids
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    United States
    Senior Engineering Manager
    Bicycling, 3D design and printing, automotive hobbyist, electronics repair, quadcopters, R/C


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  • Last Activity: Today 02:31 PM
  • Join Date: 06-13-2004
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