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shorod shorod is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 112
  1. idjikaity
    07-19-2009 11:49 PM
    Hi, Rod!
    Thank you very much for your willingness to help me with my 2001 Taurus/Vulcan AC compressor removal. Could you please send me a PDF file of the steps from the 2002 service manual, to remove the AC compressor (and if possible, steps for replacing the evaporator core orifice and accumulator).
    My e-mail address is
    Thanks very much in advance!
  2. redwine1951
    07-02-2009 10:07 PM
    can you send me the info on how to get to and change vacuum elbow on my lincoln ls v6

    thank you so much!
  3. LincolnLS05
    06-19-2009 10:18 AM
    Rod, I just change Heater Control Valve on my 05 LS and AC works great. Now it seems like I'm havign issues with passenger side window. At times, it doen not want to go down when you press the buttons on either side (driver or passenger). When the window doesn't want to go down, the AC does not turn on and I get the red blinking car light on my daash display (the door open light). I re-did my self diagnostic and it still reads 12 65, could this be affecting it, I thought this code was no good for models after 2002?
  4. parker4
    06-17-2009 07:09 PM
    Please check my posting. I have a different username, but you have super super helped me over the past two years!!
  5. foosty
    06-06-2009 11:40 AM
    I read your instrctions for replacing the electric door lock actuator for the rear door of a 2001 taurus/sable.
    can you give instructutions for the front doors?
    foosty [addr removed by shorod]
  6. shep1984
    04-26-2009 12:04 AM
    I have a 2001 Lincoln Ls V6

    After you drive the car for 5 or 10 minutes and you start stopping, lights, stop signs or whatever, the oil light comes on. It's been doing it for a week or so. But I haven't had any oil loss. The last couple of days it has been doing the same thing but now it's leaking a small amount of oil. It's not coming from the oil pan bolt or the oil filter, it's somewhere higher up. Today I could smell burning oil and a red light.

    Any help would be great.

  7. javonte
    04-13-2009 04:58 PM
    Rod thanks for your help!
  8. warptre
    04-10-2009 06:42 PM
    i just wanted to thank you for helping me with my exlporer problem i appreciate it
  9. cote289
    04-03-2009 02:19 PM
    I'm running the intake through the dash 90 degrees then another 90 degrees then back into the engine bay. I originally planned to flip the intake 180 but with the slope of the hood i'm already short on space and don't have the room to do it. its not optimal, but it will work.
  10. soundman7
    03-07-2009 10:19 PM
    Should'a known better than to trust generic schematics. The fuses listed were not correct. I started new this morning, trusting instinct rather than printed info. Removed the batt. cable, and pulled, tested every fuse. Found blown fuse in the under hood relay / fuse array. (now red faced). I would still like to have the "real schematics" to file for next time. My e-mail address is xxxxxx Thanks for all your help! Hope I can return the favor some time.

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  • About shorod
    Real Name
    Cedar Rapids
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    United States
    Senior Engineering Manager
    Bicycling, 3D design and printing, automotive hobbyist, electronics repair, quadcopters, R/C


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  • Last Activity: Today 04:24 PM
  • Join Date: 06-13-2004
  • Referrals: 0


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