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theFREAKnasty82 theFREAKnasty82 is offline

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  1. theFREAKnasty82
    05-05-2010 05:38 PM
    well, to be blunt, it's a major pain to do, especially if you don't have a lift. You have to almost remove the rear crossmember out of the way just to remove the steering gear. When I worked at Dodge, the steering & suspension guy replaced one everyday, and he was so good, he could do it in an hour when the book says that it takes 4.5 hours. Hopefully this helps.
  2. 1965pravin
    05-04-2010 11:16 PM
    hi, i need to know how difficult it is to change the rack and pinion on grand carvan 2005, it is leaking bad.
  3. theFREAKnasty82
    11-30-2009 04:22 PM

    next time you go to the shop, ask them to give you the CVI (clutch volume index) and let me know. From what you are saying, if you had the solenoid pack replaced, the TCM is supposed to be reflashed. Did you go to a Chrysler dealership or somewhere else? Another thing also is to check the output speed sensor; they are notorious for failing at the most inopportune time. Just my $.02. Keep me posted. Sorry for getting back so late.
  4. Siriapp
    11-06-2009 11:11 AM
    HI, I put up a post & love your answers.
    Plz look at it under Chrysler Concorde transmission in limp mode when you have time.
    Thank you!
    Re: transmission in limp mode
    My 2003 Chrysler Concorde Limited locks into "Limp-in mode" when slowing down to around 25 miles or less (or starting up above 25 miles after a sucessful slow down w/o a "Limp-in lock-up")
    This ONLY happens after the car is warm.
    Coming to a complete stop, placing trans in Park & restarting the engine removes it from "Limp-in mode" until the next time that I have to slow down to a stop.
    The Trans shop pulled the codes (P1776 maybe? The Low/reverse sensor/solenoid) & said that it was the Valve Body (associated L/R solenoid) & replaced it for about $800.00.
    This did not fix it.
    They are now telling me that the clutches are worn thin & need to be replaced claiming that is why the car shutters (THOUGH it does not shutter & they did not experience any shuttering whatsoever) & now want $1200.00 to replace the clutches.

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    Automotive Technician/HVAC mechanic
    Building model cars, fixing cars, NASCAR, anything dealing with cars!
    ASE Certified Automobile Technician


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  • Last Activity: 12-24-2016 01:04 AM
  • Join Date: 06-18-2004
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