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way2old way2old is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
  1. cacl8783
    01-01-2010 11:04 AM
    i have a ford explorer 2002 and it's slipping gear 3. it has code 0733 and code 0745 how i can fix this
  2. MWaV
    11-11-2009 10:13 PM
    ok thanks alot will do after he checks the timing this week. will keep you posted.
  3. MWaV
    11-10-2009 12:36 PM
    Thanks for the post. I know I haven't had time to post. But myself and junk yard doggie is working on the crown vic to try to see whats the game plan. He's gonna check the timing and see where this goes
  4. way2old
    10-23-2009 08:27 PM
    Howdy. We use Goodyear Gagle RSA that is OEM on the CVPI. The only problem with Goodyear is the tire is a soft compound. They are really good for about 15,000 miles then the traction falls off quickly. But that is under Police driving also. I don't think you will go wrong with either Michelin or Goodyear. No more than what you ahve been driving, I feel the Goodyear will serve you well. Have fun with it.
  5. auto trainy
    10-23-2009 05:45 PM
    auto trainy
    Way too old, I have 2000 GM /w32000 original miles/w original Michelin tires, in your personal opinion what tires would you recomend? I'm looking at Good Year Assurance Comfort Tred,Thank's
  6. junk yard doggie
    10-21-2009 07:16 AM
    junk yard doggie
    Tom Thanks for that drawing that helps alot.
  7. dfordski
    10-01-2009 09:20 PM
    Way2old. Now I know how you got that way. Waiting for thread post responses!
  8. scrappy71
    09-17-2009 01:26 AM
    hav 1995 tauras wont shift out 1st gear like hit neutral instead of 2nd wat chck 1st jus bought car?
  9. miamibob
    08-20-2009 03:54 PM
    Hi!! Did you receive my last email? It was in response to you welcomming me back! May not be here all the time as I have "clinical trials" starting in Sept but wanted to ensure I got back to you!! By the way, I am having a "dead battery" issue (won't hold a charge for more than a few days). The dealer says the Alt is pushing out 13.4 and should be outputing 14.3. I am getting almost 14 as my measurement. It's a '95 GM. Do you know what the Alt for this car is supposed to be putting out?? Talk to you soon....Bobby
  10. transgta
    02-27-2009 09:32 PM
    Way to old thank you. I swear i was gettn ready to message u and ask.. THANK U

About Me

  • About way2old
    Real Name
    Tom Liles
    Zip Code
    United States
    Fleet Supervisor


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-01-2014 04:43 PM
  • Join Date: 03-02-2005
  • Referrals: 3


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