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AAlmeida AAlmeida is offline

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  1. AAlmeida
    08-18-2009 06:43 AM
    Thank you, no problem about the container, it was just a comment. I will follow your recommend and I hope everything go well. As soon as I finished the body paint I will poost here. Thank you again. Antonio
  2. kans0002
    08-10-2009 04:05 PM
    Hey Antonio, I am glad you got it. Yeah, I am sorry, I had to change the container but the paint is perfectly fine. I would recommend spraying a few light coats. I sprayed the Alclad over Tamiya gloss black and did not have any issues. You can verify that on the web site.
    “Prismatic Finishes: -these colors should be applied over dark base-auto paint or Tamiya TS paints. Spray ALCLAD Prismatic at 20pi-use a wide spray pattern-cover the model evenly with as few passes as possible. The Prismatic material will seem slightly rough when dry. This is normal. Build up 2-3 coats of clear lacquer or model varnish to obtain a deep reflective finish”
    Good luck!
  3. AAlmeida
    07-22-2009 07:02 AM
    Great! I let you know when I receive. Thank you! Antonio
  4. kans0002
    07-20-2009 05:15 PM
    ok Antonio, I just sent it via us mail. they say it should be there in 8-10 days and the best part is that is was very cheap to send it! (only 4 dollars!) please let me know when you recieve it. Stuart
  5. kans0002
    07-16-2009 08:46 AM
    Yeah. I will not use this color again so you can have it for free. Can you please give me your address and I will look into what I have to do to ship it down to you? Stuart
  6. AAlmeida
    06-09-2009 12:53 PM
    Ok Dave.
  7. gasdriverca
    06-07-2009 10:09 PM
    Hey there, I sent you a private message with my e-mail & if you ever need any pictures just hit me with a message or better still you have my e-mail now.

About Me

  • About AAlmeida
    Real Name
    Antonio Almeida
    SP, Brazil
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    Architect and Designer
    Punk Rock + Hardcore + R/C + Italian Food


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  • Last Activity: 03-11-2024 04:17 AM
  • Join Date: 06-14-2004
  • Referrals: 0


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