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1thunder 1thunder is offline

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  1. BuffySam
    12-07-2011 04:53 PM
    Hi, my name is John,
    I have seen by some of your previous thread how knowledgeable you are, Thank God for quality people like you!
    I learned all I know from my Dad who was not technical but very savy having spent his life under the hoods of mostly trucks and cars. I am now 50 and thinkered in vehicles since I was 7 so I am fairly handy under the hood but have now come to a stop with an electrical problem.
    I have a 2003 Caravan 3.3 with basic dash and the Instruments panel went dead. I could not find any bad fuses, and don't know if there may be any fusible links somewhere or what else I should look for. The van still runs, but there is no odometer or dash warning lights that go on when you turn the key, the other thing is that there is no more Flasher or hazard lights. Can you shed some light on this very frustrating problem? Your wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

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  • About 1thunder
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    Chrysler Tech 32 years


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  • Last Activity: 07-21-2021 09:33 PM
  • Join Date: 04-28-2004
  • Referrals: 0

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