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way2old way2old is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
  1. Stale Trooper
    05-22-2020 03:47 PM
    Stale Trooper
    Hey 2 old! Stale Trooper is Baaack!
    had 2Xbypass & stroke,but still ticking over.
  2. Stale Trooper
    09-17-2017 09:16 AM
    Stale Trooper
    Stale Trooper

    Hey W2O! this is Rick in Kansas< /> I now have an '05 CVPI which has been in storage since early Oct '16.)double bypass).

    Needless to say, the battery was dead, car won't do ANYTHING, even after battery is charged,The manual dome lights or trunk release and radio are D.O.A. I know the small wires on the positive terminal, and the negative terminal, are both disconnected. (for charging,and I've corrected these 2 items, but it's still not getting power to or thru the ignition switch I'm wondering if it isn't time to play &quot;Relay&quot;Roulette&quot; Where would you place your bet?
  3. Stale Trooper
    11-25-2014 01:19 AM
    Stale Trooper
    Hey W2O! this is Rick in Kansas. I have a quick dumb ass question for you. I switched out the stock driver side seat tracks from my 05 CVPI for a set of 6-way powered ones. Now I have a &quot;Left over part&quot; it is Ford part #3W7A-14B416-AA-050606A0856 that has 2 wires going to it. This was under the seat at the left rear corner, and has a brass grommet (for a ground?) and a slot about 1/2&quot; wide that is opposite the wire plug location (Maybe a sensor for something?) The passenger seat belt &quot;squaker&quot; works, but I get just the reminder lamp but no 'squaker' on the driver side. I also just recently had the air bag dash lamp on pass side come on, and the same lamp on the cluster is now blinking. if you need more info let me know (rbaker26(at)
  4. shorod
    09-09-2011 11:30 PM
    Love the new avatar!

    Congrats on the new SHO, I'm sure you'll both love it. I've been very happy with mine. I'm not sure how it gets around in the winter, but I've read that with decent snow tires it is like a tank in the snow. I'll stick to driving the SUV winter since the driver's around here seem to forget how to drive in snow every winter.

  5. transgta
    05-15-2011 12:21 PM
    hey buddy u never let me down.i posted on firebird board but no hits.ive got an 89 gta trans am 350 tuned port.well i just replaced intake gaskets and air plenums etc.thats a whole other story antifreeze dissapearing.anyway just got it going so first drive good but shur it offf went to restart an it acted as tho battery dead turns over really slow then finally faster and starts.i have a jet performance chip in it an when i set timing i put at 6 degrees as it calls for.i guess my nquest is wouldnt the timing cause that?and ifso would i advance timing or retard it?also sometomes when try to start the starter/solenoid clicking loud.i tapp the starter an it goes perfect.i dont think there connected but its a bitch to get under this thing so what would u do on both?thanku
  6. kubota54
    12-23-2010 10:54 PM
    You have apparently seen quite a few old cruisers do you know why a heater/air switch on a 92cv would melt just replaced resistor afraid to try another switch can you help? I'm retired from Indep.pd in 96 Thanks
  7. Bspencer
    12-02-2010 09:49 PM
    i have a 96 crown vic p71 i started it the other day and it sputtered like it was out of gas when i try to start it now all i hear is a spining almost like a grinding sound and the motor just barely turns would you have any idea what could be the cause of this would appreciate any help thanks. bspencer my email is
  8. 1996Chreokee
    09-25-2010 12:40 AM
    Way2old, Hi sir its been awhile since i have followed this forum but i reall enjoy it. I ahve a question if ou don't mind. I have a 2003 P71 that has had excellent care its whole life. It currently has 98k on it. i am looking for a little more performance out of it. Do you feel that reprograming the pcm with a tuner wakes these cars up? I have read serveral reviews about chips and they say as long as its a p71 its a waste to cip them because they are already tuned to perform. I know you probably cant offer advice as to do it or not But i am jus tinquiring if chipping the car helps it to perform better... I don t wanna change engine parts or gears, its my daily driver. 3.27 rear end. thanks for any insight
  9. killermrob83
    07-08-2010 06:09 PM
    Thanks for your response Tom. I like doing mechanical work so I think I'll go the distance in removing the intake manifold to do the job. On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is the task and what kind of problems do you think I'll encounter with this vehicle which has 200k miles. Are there any other issues that I should address once I'm in it this far, or maybe going in a little further and replacing head gaskets? Thanks, Rob
  10. cacl8783
    01-01-2010 11:23 AM
    im glad that you can help me discovering what's happen

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  • About way2old
    Real Name
    Tom Liles
    Zip Code
    United States
    Fleet Supervisor


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  • Last Activity: 09-01-2014 04:43 PM
  • Join Date: 03-02-2005
  • Referrals: 3


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