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maxwedge maxwedge is offline

A990 racer

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Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 60
  1. bmorebuick88
    10-05-2010 08:11 PM
    hey, i updated my thread with the info you requested if you want to take a look at it.
  2. pamkrose
    10-02-2010 03:06 PM
    1996 Buick LaSabre, starter goes click, click, dash lights & radio are strong. Starter, starter relay...?
  3. maxwedge
    09-09-2010 09:16 AM
    You need to have a scan done and look at what the fuel pressure should be I believe this is low, do a search for the right fuel pressure.
  4. dornier34
    09-08-2010 09:41 PM
    Hi there I have this truck trail blazer 2002, 4.3 V6 ,the maximum RPM that I can get is 3500 rpm pedal to the floor , , no enough power when I take for a ride ,, I replaced fuel filter , check the fuel pressure about 54 psi ok I am not sure is ok the pressure of this pump , I check the fuel pressure regulator hold the pressure about 52 psi , no vacuum leaks , no codes , I remove the oxygen sensor to see if the catalytic converter is clogged but looks same power no difference, new air filter , cleaned the throttle body and same thing no difference ,when is cold has no power , but when is hot runs ok, any ideas what is the real pressure fuel for this truck ? the dealer is saying something about the transmission no sure because is in parking ? I think they are looking for money this suckers dealers .any ideas will be helpful. thanks dornier 34
  5. maxwedge
    05-19-2010 12:41 PM
    There are better things to use, Seafoam or GM top engine cleaner, but that is for intake only
  6. lazy loco
    05-19-2010 09:39 AM
    lazy loco
    is it really true that if you pour transmisson fluid in the carborater it loosens sticky valves?
  7. maxwedge
    04-25-2010 09:02 AM
    Frank, you can use that bulb.
  8. auto trainy
    04-24-2010 06:38 PM
    auto trainy
    Max,I just changed a #3357 bulb in my 2001 Buick Le Sabre and noticed on the Philips site that they do not list it and I was wondering if it was replaced? I have some #3057's are they the same? thanks, Frank
  9. maxwedge
    12-13-2009 10:13 AM
    Not sure here, I would check with a Buick parts dept/ dealer for the info.
  10. auto trainy
    12-12-2009 06:02 PM
    auto trainy
    Max,I have a 2001 Lesabre Costume and I want to order a wiper delay card but don't know if a standard card will be the same as a sensing wiper control (the sensor at the rear view mirror),thank's Frank.

About Me

  • About maxwedge
    New York
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    United States
    Retired Cadillac Troubleshooter
    Weightlifting, Nhra drag racing, fishing
    ASE Master,not renewed


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 01:58 PM
  • Join Date: 03-15-2002
  • Referrals: 1


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