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Social Groups in category General
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This group will always discuss about DTC i.e diagnosis trouble code, solution and general repair of vehicles.
11 1 1
Welcome to Mitsubishi Specific. A group run by a Mitsubishi Master Technician.
1 0 0
For the discussion of car wrapping ,film,installation,tools.
2 1 1
03:59 AM
I'm having some issues with my mercedes c230 2002 It having steering issues & transmission issues. ..Plz any help plz
1 0 0
1 0 0
44 8 106
My 1997 Ford Ranger just plain quit running & left me stranded. It had been running great. The mechanic said the timing belt broke, he replaced it, along with the catalitic converter, when I went to pick it up he said it probably won't make it home, because it also needs a fuel pump. We were in shock , how could this much go wrong all at once? We decided to try to get it home, and put the fuel pump on ourselves. The truck is running terrible, & it backfired 3 times on a 6 mile trip. Could this be the fuel pump or did the man not get the timing set right?
1 0 0
for car suspension repair or update
3 3 11
03:07 AM
owners of hyundai santa fe
3 1 1
01:43 AM
3 0 0
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