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Social Groups in category General
Group Name Members Discussions Messages Last Post Reverse Sort Order
A place for Z car owners to socialize and connect. This group is for the Z Cars that Mr. K had involvement with which is the S30, S130, Z31, and Z32. The profit chaseing 350z 370z should post to their appropriate forums
2 1 1
3 0 0
Let`s make a team in Let`s rock there... The team name will be AutomotiveForums
1 1 1
01:54 PM
3 0 0
This group is to inform and discuss topics relating to export opportunity, products, laws, services and how to...etc. this is designed also to help not only those who new and want to export as well those who export already. Support to include but not limited to sharing of technical specifications and government regulations articles, contacts and prices will be helpful. You can post offers to export or to import as well. Post if you require a qualified agent/distributor for which country. Post could include need for personnel as well.
9 1 1
05:22 AM
a group soley based on street racing
5 1 2
05:14 PM
Nismo Car enthusiasts, owners and the like... from the Datsun Era to S13's all the way to R35 GTR's.
1 1 1
Help out with problems
4 1 1
01:26 PM
5 0 0
Only honda civics members
1 0 0
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