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Conversation Between ScratchBuilt and marcor86
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. ScratchBuilt
    11-19-2012 02:07 PM

    Race cars with tubular chassis frames? Where to start?! The main reason I started modelling Porsches in this way was because I knew I could make the frames - my first projects were all FFord single-seaters. Having a good drawing to start with is a bonus, but the main thing is probably to choose a car you want to build. Obviously there's a lot of older Grand Prix cars built around tube-frame chassis, but also sports cars - how about a Lotus 11, or a Seven? For a real challenge, how about a Maserati 61 'Birdcage' or Mercedes 300 SLR? Once you get into the mid-60's the successful cars are moving away from tubes and into monocoques, so that starts to limit your options. However, many of the 'early' tub chassis are relatively simple, so could still be something to consider.

    So - what's your preference? Open wheel / single-seat? Sports car? Road car? F1? Le Mans / Endurance? Let me know and I'll make some more suggestions!

    Hope this helps,

  2. marcor86
    11-12-2012 09:24 AM
    hi, i love your works on porsche, i'd like to do something like u know other cars whit tubolar frame?

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