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Conversation Between wrightz28 and Scrapper
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Scrapper
    10-29-2010 02:46 PM
    yah because only other thing i no of is replacing comp.thanks zzzzzzzz..... scrapper...
  2. wrightz28
    10-29-2010 08:16 AM
    I'll try and take a look. Although it's getting chilly out, setting a vehicle on fire is not a good ay to stay warm.
  3. Scrapper
    10-28-2010 04:17 PM
    hey z i'm not getting replys on 195 s-10 on the 95 s-10 2 wheel drive maybe you can take a look at the post i put on here. this guy the truck is driving him nuts. i stopped there lastnight when i got home and he's ready to set it on fire but it's his grandsons.thank's zzzzzzzzz scrapper

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