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Conversation Between boostjunkie333 and SilvrEclipse
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. SilvrEclipse
    02-28-2010 08:14 PM
    Dont remove the trans just unbolt it from the motor, you have to remove the trans mount to. Then just pull them apart and pull the motor out.
  2. boostjunkie333
    02-28-2010 04:54 PM
    Hey im at the part where I need to remove the trans from the car, would you mind giving me a brief description how you did this since its different from the manual I have...thanks
  3. SilvrEclipse
    08-26-2009 03:35 PM
    Thats fine, I dont mind. I just leave it on all day so if I dont respond Im probably at class or something but I should get it when I get back.
  4. boostjunkie333
    08-26-2009 12:26 PM
    hey man i added you on aim just for shits and giggles in case i have a quick question...hope you dont mind. if so, you can kick me and then ill take it off...

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