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Conversation Between rallymaster and zak78
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. rallymaster
    07-10-2017 06:06 PM
    Hi again,
    just in case of emailing failure...!

    here is my answer to your email you couldn't find back in sent folder (just tell me if I'm wrong with rims sets as I counted three...) :

    DBS kit Tamiya 39€
    DBS PE 19€ (I send you both TKs for same price)
    DBS rims FGmodels 15€
    Hammann rims HD 12€
    AMG rims 19" HD 12€
    and shipping, which is 14,90€ with tracking
    so it gives a total of 111,90€
    Let's say 110€ if you are ok ?
    Paypal is welcome but please chose "send money to friends" or I'll have high fees !
    my paypal id is my email:

    thanks again
  2. zak78
    07-08-2017 08:19 PM
    Excellent! Postage money is not an issue...Email sent
  3. rallymaster
    07-08-2017 07:11 AM
    Hello, yes I still have them !
    you can contact me on my email:
    Shipping should cost around 8/10 euros but I can verify at post office on monday.
  4. zak78
    07-07-2017 05:31 AM
    Hello, Do you still have the Hamann 20" wheels, as shown in the Classified post? I have been looking everywhere for a set...


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