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Conversation Between Scale-Master and wouter1981
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Scale-Master
    04-25-2015 08:35 PM
    I don't have any extra parts for the Tamiya kit. (The latest Seven I built was not from any kit so there are no left over parts. And the fenders I made are over sized compared to the Tamiya parts.)

    I would contact Tamiya and see if they can help. Also, refer to your JPE instructions and request the front fender supports too (metal items) because they will help the fit and alignment in your conversion. - Mark
  2. wouter1981
    04-13-2015 01:52 PM
    Good day,

    after seeing your latest build of a Caterham, I was just to tempted and bought my second one (I have the JPE). It's the BDR version with the clams but I'm going to try to covert them to cycle fenders. My scratch buildings skills aren't that good, so don't you have by accident any cycle fenders "left" of your previous builds?

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