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Conversation Between Cat Fuzz and shadetree1958
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Cat Fuzz
    04-29-2009 09:02 AM
    Cat Fuzz
    Oh, I've worked on a lot of cars and trucks. There are things to work on that are much worse than a Rodeo.

    Good luck and have fun!
  2. shadetree1958
    04-29-2009 07:53 AM
    Thank You for Your help Cat Fuzz. I can do 95% of all my repairs but never have i run into a truck thats such a pain to work on. My wife and I love the truck so it is worth the extra effort.All i need to do now is find a digram so i do not mess up takeing the starter apart under the truck. again Thank You.
  3. Cat Fuzz
    04-28-2009 09:23 PM
    Cat Fuzz
    I believe the site doesn't work because it was Schucks Auto Parts which was bought by O-reilly.

    Go here and put in your vehicle info. or search for part number ND34SOL
  4. shadetree1958
    04-28-2009 09:01 PM
    Cat Fuzz I need a solenoid repair kit. The site you gave is inactive.Can You help Me.
    shadetree1958.I will check meassages often, or email

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