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Conversation Between stratos75 and JulioAF
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. stratos75
    11-05-2011 09:31 AM
    Hello JulioAF,

    I can accept a payment via PayPal. Do you need the seats?
  2. stratos75
    05-02-2011 06:52 AM
    Hello JulioAF, I can send you the pair of seats. There is one problem - payment. May be it will be expensive to you, because I can receive money only by a bank remittance in Russia. I want only 5$ for the seats, but all the rest you will pay for the commission and postage. If you are ready, send me your address, and I can calculate postage. The payment may be done with Western Union.

    Kind regards,
  3. JulioAF
    04-25-2011 05:34 PM
    Hello Mikhail, I was reading the post of eugene78 about his 1/24 Revell of Germany's BMW Z1 and he told me that you sold him the resin seats for that model, and because I have the same model to be built, I wanted to ask if you have a pair of those seats available.

    Thank you very much in advance and best regards.


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