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Conversation Between shorod and tkswan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. shorod
    11-25-2014 02:06 PM
    It looks like he might be able to help by request rather than through the online catalog.,22/
  2. shorod
    11-25-2014 01:58 PM
    I'm not sure. The last time I was on Torrie's site, the catalog was pretty much non-existent except for performance tuners. I suspect he's going or gone away from the OEM supplies and is only dealing in performance stuff now. Have you tried Rock Auto for the Aux pump?
  3. tkswan
    11-25-2014 10:35 AM
    Hey Rod, What ever happened to Fast parts Network? Do you have another recommended site for parts now?
  4. shorod
    12-29-2013 10:08 PM
    Sorry for the delay in responding, I've been out of town on vacation.

    Audi/VW seem to be pretty good about keeping their service manual information pretty tight. When my wife had her Passat I ended up buying the Bentley manual because I wasn't having luck finding anything else useful.

    You might try or just digging in. Some things on Audis are pretty stright forward.

  5. tkswan
    12-26-2013 04:58 PM
    Hey Rod. Do you think you can get your hands on a shop procedure for removing the rear hub and bearing assembly on a 2008 Audi A4?
  6. tkswan
    04-10-2013 09:10 PM
    Hey Rod, got any documentation on the fuel level sending unit / jet fuel manual maybe? I think that's my culprit. if its attached to or has anything to do with the jet (behind the drivers seat) fuel pump, i will just replace it as well. Oh, 02-LS-V8.
  7. tkswan
    02-11-2013 12:44 PM
    Hey Rod, i did a fuel pump awhile back. ever since, while fueling the car, it leaks gas when the tank starts to get full. I finally took the time to pull the back seat out and go get gas to watch what happens. Seems that the ring, the big plastic one is not seated correctly. I keep trying to reseat it but it keeps going on crooked. Can you resend me the service manual on this again? Maybe there is a trick or procedure in getting it to seat correctly. thanks. 2002 LS V8. its the the fuel pump on the passenger side of the car.

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