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Conversation Between GaryYarber and shorod
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. shorod
    09-02-2015 11:24 PM
    Is the Duratech engine in a Taurus? I support multiple forums here and my memory is no longer good enough to remember details from 8+ years ago.

    If you're getting smoke out of the bottom of the EGR valve, that would not be normal. Any smoke escaping during a smoke test is a sign of a vacuum leak.

  2. GaryYarber
    09-02-2015 10:14 PM
    Hi Shorod, on 02/06/2007 you responded to a thread requesting help to diagnose the cause of P0171 and P0174 codes on a 2000 Ford Duratec Engine. You told the individual to send you a private message and you would send a PDF file containing the Troubleshooting Procedures for diagnosing aforementioned codes. If you still have those procedures I would greatly appreciate it if you would send them to Also, I did a smoke test on the engine and the only smoke which escaped came from the vents on the underside of the EGR valve. Is this normal? Does it mean the EGR valve is bad. Thanks for your help.

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