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Conversation Between curtis73 and LieutenantCracker
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. LieutenantCracker
    12-28-2009 09:00 PM
    --PS I was unable to find info on this subject in the FAQ or elsewhere, otherwise I wouldn'tve bothered you w/ it! Thx! :-)
  2. LieutenantCracker
    12-28-2009 09:00 PM
    I can't seem to post a new thread under eng/tech... It keeps telling me to log-in... OBVIOUSLY I AM logged in-- Is there something wrong w/ the site or am I doing something wrong? I've posted several times before (ususally under Mercury Gr Marquis) and now I can't seem to post ANYWHERE on the site (I've tried several different forums (???)

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