Conversation Between zanegrey and papasmith
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Zane. I have corresponded with you before about my old and generally reliable 1986 720 pickup kingcab. I seldom use it, it is usually under shelter and it has only 124k on the clock.
I have a problem that you might know the answer to. I am having trouble with the brake lights. I can't have a fuse in the brakelight fuse slot without the running lights in the back coming on even when the lights are turned off. They just stay on. The brake lights don't come on at all. I have already looked at the bulbs to make sure the brake lights weren't burnt out and and their not. This is a head scratcher. Do you have any ideas?
Oh, by the way, can I ask what state you are in? Just curious because of your name which I pointed out that I was familiar with before. I think you must be from the west somewhere.
Thanks for your help,
Dave in NC