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Conversation Between Richy78 and rallymaster
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. rallymaster
    07-17-2009 09:39 AM
    Hi Ric,
    It's Philippe from France (, do you remember me I suppose?
    After our friendly start and confidences about ScuderiaItaliaLab I didn't have any news from you since the last time I requested for the damaged rims to finaly get them after months of patience, "your worst deal ever" as you said , so I hope you're not any kind of angry because of that claim for the rims.
    because I'm here again for your new baby!!
    And what a kit!! Wow great work again.
    this time I won't lead an order for several guys, because I suppose RMS would release the kit.
    So I "only" need one kit. (for the moment ?! )
    I saw the new increased price, but Gio didn't talk about any discount for AF members like it was (only?) for the first kit, so forgive my naive question (and only question) but did you plan some special discount for some people?
    Anyway, how can I purchase this kit?
    friendly yours

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