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Conversation Between NZGTRA17 and feqrags
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. NZGTRA17
    09-25-2014 04:36 PM
    Hi Bill, sorry for very slow response, I have not been checking the site often lately. Do you mean you are in NZ in September!!? If so, again my apologies. Actually I live about 10 mins from Auckland Airport on the other side of the harbour so would have been easy to pick you up. Hope you are talking about October so we can catch up. Kel.
  2. feqrags
    09-07-2014 10:36 PM
    Kel, short notice will be in nz 13-25. any races to see or car shops to see? will be on a tour, so will have to escape. any have to see places, understand the short notice. my gtra is in mothballs and have been racing a specrx7 to learn. any tracks to take lessons? thanks for all the very good post. thanks Bill

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