Conversation Between 88Porsche944 and stevenoble
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
I would try bleach first, soak it overnight in a tub of bleach. I've also heard that coca cola will remove chrome plating but I haven't tried it yet. I've used Mr Muscle oven cleaner in the past too and that worked well enough. Let me know how you get on.
Yes, I think its paint, some kind of plating on resin. I bought it like that and it looks too toy like.
Hi Trevor,
Do you mean chrome paint that's on resin, or a factory applied chrome finish..?? Chrome paint I normally use Isopropyl Alcohol. Factory chrome, I use bleach overnight, then scrub with water and an old toothbrush.
Hey Steve,
Any idea how to take chrome off of resin?