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Conversation Between way2old and Stale Trooper
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Stale Trooper
    05-22-2020 03:47 PM
    Stale Trooper
    Hey 2 old! Stale Trooper is Baaack!
    had 2Xbypass & stroke,but still ticking over.
  2. Stale Trooper
    09-17-2017 09:16 AM
    Stale Trooper
    Stale Trooper

    Hey W2O! this is Rick in Kansas< /> I now have an '05 CVPI which has been in storage since early Oct '16.)double bypass).

    Needless to say, the battery was dead, car won't do ANYTHING, even after battery is charged,The manual dome lights or trunk release and radio are D.O.A. I know the small wires on the positive terminal, and the negative terminal, are both disconnected. (for charging,and I've corrected these 2 items, but it's still not getting power to or thru the ignition switch I'm wondering if it isn't time to play &quot;Relay&quot;Roulette&quot; Where would you place your bet?
  3. Stale Trooper
    11-25-2014 01:19 AM
    Stale Trooper
    Hey W2O! this is Rick in Kansas. I have a quick dumb ass question for you. I switched out the stock driver side seat tracks from my 05 CVPI for a set of 6-way powered ones. Now I have a &quot;Left over part&quot; it is Ford part #3W7A-14B416-AA-050606A0856 that has 2 wires going to it. This was under the seat at the left rear corner, and has a brass grommet (for a ground?) and a slot about 1/2&quot; wide that is opposite the wire plug location (Maybe a sensor for something?) The passenger seat belt &quot;squaker&quot; works, but I get just the reminder lamp but no 'squaker' on the driver side. I also just recently had the air bag dash lamp on pass side come on, and the same lamp on the cluster is now blinking. if you need more info let me know (rbaker26(at)

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