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Conversation Between way2old and transgta
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. way2old
    05-15-2011 04:54 PM
    It does sound like your timing is off. Usually that problem is caused by over advanced timing. But the starter could also be the problem. I would look closely at the wiring to the strter first. Look for any looseness or corrosion. If that is OK, I would replace the starter. Sorry. That may also resolve part of the starting issues. Been a long tome since I worked on any GM products. Working from memory here. Hope it helps.
  2. transgta
    05-15-2011 12:21 PM
    hey buddy u never let me down.i posted on firebird board but no hits.ive got an 89 gta trans am 350 tuned port.well i just replaced intake gaskets and air plenums etc.thats a whole other story antifreeze dissapearing.anyway just got it going so first drive good but shur it offf went to restart an it acted as tho battery dead turns over really slow then finally faster and starts.i have a jet performance chip in it an when i set timing i put at 6 degrees as it calls for.i guess my nquest is wouldnt the timing cause that?and ifso would i advance timing or retard it?also sometomes when try to start the starter/solenoid clicking loud.i tapp the starter an it goes perfect.i dont think there connected but its a bitch to get under this thing so what would u do on both?thanku
  3. transgta
    02-27-2009 09:32 PM
    Way to old thank you. I swear i was gettn ready to message u and ask.. THANK U

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