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Conversation Between carbuilder2002 and Le Man
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Le Man
    03-01-2016 07:18 PM
    Le Man
    Fly off handbrake, lift to apply,... lift, pull trigger to release. sits flush so you get no unwelcome surprise when entering the car.

    Gordon did not even know how one worked before he designed the F1.
  2. carbuilder2002
    03-01-2016 02:24 PM
    Hello Le Man,

    If anyone can shed light on this one it's you.
    Out of interest I have always wondered about the F1 handbrake and always assumed it was of the old style Fly off variety as the handle drops back down after it is applied.
    (Similar to the old Triumph GT6 I used to have in my youth)
    however I am now thinking that it is more likely to be similar to the system used in most car today where the lever applies the brake by ratchet mechanism then is released by a solenoid type of actuator.
    Any ideas or even in side information on this?
    Cheers, Geoff

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