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Conversation Between way2old and 1996Chreokee
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. way2old
    09-26-2010 04:17 PM
    If the vehicle is up on the engine tuneing, chips will not gain you very much. With the 3:27 gears, you can get ablut 128 mph out of it. If you change the gears to a 3:55, you will drop to about 118. You will gain a little on acceleration, but not much more. If you want to play with it, try it to see what the chip will do.
  2. 1996Chreokee
    09-25-2010 12:40 AM
    Way2old, Hi sir its been awhile since i have followed this forum but i reall enjoy it. I ahve a question if ou don't mind. I have a 2003 P71 that has had excellent care its whole life. It currently has 98k on it. i am looking for a little more performance out of it. Do you feel that reprograming the pcm with a tuner wakes these cars up? I have read serveral reviews about chips and they say as long as its a p71 its a waste to cip them because they are already tuned to perform. I know you probably cant offer advice as to do it or not But i am jus tinquiring if chipping the car helps it to perform better... I don t wanna change engine parts or gears, its my daily driver. 3.27 rear end. thanks for any insight

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