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Conversation Between way2old and shorod
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. shorod
    09-09-2011 11:30 PM
    Love the new avatar!

    Congrats on the new SHO, I'm sure you'll both love it. I've been very happy with mine. I'm not sure how it gets around in the winter, but I've read that with decent snow tires it is like a tank in the snow. I'll stick to driving the SUV winter since the driver's around here seem to forget how to drive in snow every winter.

  2. way2old
    09-09-2011 07:54 PM
    Hey Rod. Finally broke down and traded the Wifes. Monte Carlo SS and small SUV. She wanted a ]car with AWD so we got her a 2011 taurus SHO with Eco Boost. Gonna be fun trting to learn all the new technology on it. Thought I would let you know.

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