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Conversation Between 360spider and LeeABC
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  1. LeeABC
    10-23-2020 07:15 AM
    Hi Alex,
    I hope you don't mind me contacting you directly but I thought as somewhat of a Ferrari model guru you may be able to answer a question for me?
    After some time away from modelling I've just ordered the MFH 1/12 GTO the Rodriguez car.
    I'd like to build this as close to race day specification as possible but as the car has had many changes over the years including color changes and addition safety features original reference is scarce.
    Primarily I'm trying to find out if the car left the factory with gold or silver interior and if it had any type of harness or lap belts?
    Your help would be much appreciated and hopefully I will start the build on the forum soon.
    Best Wishes, Lee.

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