Conversation Between way2old and miamibob
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
Hey Bob. Glad you are here. I got your message. Just figured you were being nice and replyiong to my question. Nice to know you consider me a friend. If you are getting 14 volts, more or less, your alternator voltage output is ok. However, you need to do an ampere reading also. You should load the alternator to 1/2 the battery load rating with engine off and see how the battery voltage recovers. If the battery recovers slowly, the battery is starting to get weak. You may need to go to a shop to get it load tested. Good luck, and thanks for calling me a friend.
Hi!! Did you receive my last email? It was in response to you welcomming me back! May not be here all the time as I have "clinical trials" starting in Sept but wanted to ensure I got back to you!! By the way, I am having a "dead battery" issue (won't hold a charge for more than a few days). The dealer says the Alt is pushing out 13.4 and should be outputing 14.3. I am getting almost 14 as my measurement. It's a '95 GM. Do you know what the Alt for this car is supposed to be putting out?? Talk to you soon....Bobby