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Conversation Between BlazerLT and dubble6s
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  1. dubble6s
    09-27-2011 02:20 PM

    My Dad has a beautiful 2001 that has the 4.3 Vortec V6. I work for the company that makes ACCEL, Mallory, Mr Gasket performance parts, etc and would like to put plugs, wires, cap n rotor plus an ACCEL supercoil on it as it is time for it to be done (130,000 miles). I know I can get my parts way cheaper than he can go buy Delco stuff from any retailer or dealer which is why we are choosing this route.

    I read your post about rough running, etc and would like to clean the MAF by taking it apart and cleaning the sensor wire, while I do all of the other tune-up parts. Do you have a detailed description (or a link to one) about how to take this apart and clean it w/o breaking the wire. I understand that extreme care needs to be taken; I just want to do it right without having to replace that too.


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