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Conversation Between AmazonSprite and Porsnatic
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Porsnatic
    10-22-2009 03:53 AM
    Hi on 07-17-2006 you wrote:

    What car are you trying to build / 1:1 wheel size do you need? I might be able to help with a set of 1:24 Aoshima / Airfix / Revell MGB wire wheels & tyres (14" at 1:1)* or those from a Tamiya Jag Mk2 (15" at 1:1) - only 4 though.

    4, but possibly also a 5th - will need to check!

    If you can only get 4, there's always the option of having the exposed spare wheel under a cover

    Let me know.

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