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Conversation Between Snufkin and griffin-gt40
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. griffin-gt40
    11-02-2016 07:28 PM
    Hi thanks for the reply. I am building a 1/25 scale version of Ken Block's Ford RaptorTrax.
    Build thread here with a photo, google has a ton more.

    Looking for the sponsorship decals, Monster, DC etc... let me know what you think a cost would be. I live in Canada so you can have a rough idea of what shipping would be. I have paypal so payment can be sent easily. Please let me know what you think you can do and quote me an all in price please.

  2. Snufkin
    11-02-2016 03:45 AM
    I have the knowledge of create and printing the decal,what you want to know?please e mail to

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