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Conversation Between hurstg01 and carbuilder2002
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. carbuilder2002
    03-22-2015 08:10 PM
    Hi Greg,
    Well I was going to keep them but I actually got 3 so decided to sell 2 of them (West car and Harrods) 3rd is fron a Gulf one so no way will I part with that one.
    Was considering starting them on Ebay at £50 each but for you I would keep them off the market and let you have them for £140 the pair, if thats too steep make me an offer.
  2. carbuilder2002
    12-26-2013 07:53 PM
    Hello Greg hope you had a good christmas.
    Been meaning to send you some pictures but work always seems to get in the way, promise you will get an answer before the end of january, as a teaser it's a complete set of rear badges but not your run of the mill production types.
    Geoff, Happy New year

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