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This may sound a little strange but...

04-20-2003, 01:02 AM
Does anyone know where I could possibly find some Vectors (particularly the WX 3) for the PC game Need For Speed (1,2,3,4, or 6)? I've tried looking for some, but I guess no one has made any. Any help would be appreciated.

04-20-2003, 12:08 PM
To my knowledge, and I play lots of video games and I know my Vectors, GT2 for the PS One is the only video game to have Vectors in it. If the Vector Aeromotive Club, www.vectoraeromotiveclub.com , can show there is a strong interest in Vectors, we may see them in future games.

04-23-2003, 12:07 AM
What I meant was if anyone had created any cars for the game that could be downloaded. I share your pain in that every time I look at the cars in a game and Vector never pops up. But people have created custom cars that could be downloaded for the NFS series, and I was just wondering if anyone had created any Vectors.

04-23-2003, 11:41 AM
Oh, your looking for a patch or mod like Barney patch in DOOM. It was so nice to shoot that purple ball of fluff. If you run across a Vector mod for any game, be sure to post it. :sun:

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