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89 crx hf engine swap 1.5 to zc 1.6

03-18-2010, 05:22 PM
i have an 89 crx hf needs new motor... the 1.5 thats in it has a SOHC VTECH and when i put in my axels they were 1.6l axels 1.5's were too small for hubs. tranny is a 5 speed. vtech was added and isnot even wired in.. but for now i just want to know what i need to change for this swap?? please if any one can help? thanx!

03-20-2010, 10:57 AM
can u tell me what to do for a d16 rather that the zc.... i have a pl3/9000 tranny in my hf and and si ecu what else do i need?

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