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02-11-2010, 11:45 PM
hey my name is tony, and I have a 94 suburban as my first car/TRUCK. I LOVE HER LIKE CANDY, but:runaround: I came out of the gym this evening and noticed a huge coolant leak coming from the back end passenger side. It's freezing up here in Montreal, so I wasn't able to get underneath and check, but it seems to be coming from above the leaf springs and it drips of onto my mud guards. IT'S A PRETTY BIG LEAK, MY COOLANT RESEVOIR WAS ALMOST EMPTY WITHIN 2 HOURS. is it hoses or something else. THANKS GUYS!!!!!:eek7:

02-12-2010, 02:23 AM
Line to rear heater??

02-12-2010, 07:43 AM
Yeah, the rear passenger side on the '94 (I have one of those) is where the rear heater core and rear AC evaporator are. The factory lines going back there then returning to the engine are metal, but they're somewhat exposed near the rear tire, so could be road-damaged. Or the rear heater core could be leaking. Or, if lucky, a fitting might just need a little tightening. It's a pain to get back to the rear heater core itself, about nine body panels must be removed for access (easier if no rear AC). My guess that in Canada you simply do not want to chose to bypass the rear heat with a makeshift hose or custom made line or plugs.

You really need to take a look and see exactly where it's leaking.

02-14-2010, 01:25 PM
Ya it seems like it's comming from the heater fittings. I cusser, I don't really use the rear heater, so how would I make that bypass?

02-15-2010, 03:59 AM
Normally people bypass the rear heater core under the hood where the heator control valve is or where the hoses connect to the hard line around the fire wall (where they connect to the two hoses running to the rear heater core). You disconect the hoeses that feed the rear heater core and then connect the hardline with a new section of heater hose that makes a loop and just feeds the outgoing pipe back into the "incomoing Pipe".

Seems like you would want this to work though...living in the "Great White North"... I would. My suburban takes a while to heat up, even way down here in AL.

I would see about getting it fixed first...before bypassing.

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