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avoid travel costs and fraud when buying

01-31-2010, 06:20 PM
If you purchase vehicles online, you have to check this out-

This company sends one of their agents located near the sale vehicle and provide you with an unbiased report complete with current photos- for only $79 and will even arrange to transport the vehicle for you. I am copying and pasting the following:

WeGoLook.com, launching later this week, is an online service that provides visual confirmation and a personalized report, completed by a real person, to verify a product, person, place or thing. WeGoLook customers will be better informed, avoid costly surprises plus benefit from unbiased confirmation without having to travel.
There are nationwide agents ready to verify virtually ANYTHING, on your behalf. Vacation property, online autos, online dates, exotic animals, gravesites, ebay auction items (WeGoLook will also ship the items to you to ensure authenticity). Their slogan is, “WeGoLook when you can’t”!

It should really help a lot of people avoid scams and help to save them traveling $!

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