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2001 Park Ave, driver window works every other day

11-01-2009, 01:55 AM
Hi forum,

I got recently a lovely 2001 PA Ultra with 60k miles on it. I noticed the driver's power window didn't roll as smoothly as the other power windows. About a week ago the driver's window stopped working at all, though I heard the clicks of the relay. However the next day the window worked again. The day after that it didn't work again, and so forth :confused:
The days when the window didn't work were dryer, while it worked in more rainy days (AFAIK, sortof).

I guess that the issue may be the window does not slide smoothly, and in dry days it would stick to the rails, and the motor driver cuts the power due to too much load / high amps. Does this sound plausible? How do I/should I greese the window guides/slides? Do I need to get the window panel off? Ideas & advices welcome.

Thank you experts,

11-11-2009, 03:45 PM
I read through the posts here, and applied the silicon based lubricant to the window slides and rubber padding around the window frame. So far it works :)

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