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Lemans motor swap

10-24-2009, 01:57 PM
I have a 1966 Pontiac LeMans. IT currently has the original 326 in it along with the 2 speed Auto. I have a Y4 code 77 400 At the shop being rebuilt and i have a th400 transmission off an olds 455. I do not have any of the brackets for alternator/ power steering. Will the brackets off my 326 bolt straight up to the new motor? Will the Transmission coolant lines going to the 2 speed work for the th400? I have a holley 750 (3310-2) and i dont see where i am supposed to attach the vacuum for the brake booster. What modifications are going to be nessesary to complete this engine swap?

10-25-2009, 03:21 AM
I have some accessories on the stock 326 that i replaced such as the distributor, cap, coil, fuel pump, water pump, altornator, etc. Ive been researching and have read that pretty much all of these are interchangeable. I wanted to check with local experts here( MrPbody ). If i use the ignition system from the 326 will it work well or will i have any pre-ignition issues or turn my motor into a turd? Will the fuel pump push enough fuel into the engine for street driving, and if i change the timing cover and put the water pump from the 326 on will the brackets for the alternator and power steering mount up and fit correctly?

10-26-2009, 09:20 AM
Using the parts that were originally on the CAR, will make life a bit easier. Yes, all the bolt holes are in all the "right" places for the brackets, etc. to use the 400. The only difference would be the mounting holes on the side of the block for the motor mounts. The '77 block has 3 holes, drilled and tapped, for the mounts. The 326 has 2, and they're in a slightly different location. The adapter necessary is readily available from Ames Performance and Performance Years.

The points-type distributor will have no ill affects. It simply can't deliver the high-energy spark an electronic system can. Unlike the Chevy, the Pontiac has a very short distributor shaft and rotates the opposite direction (CCW). As a result, the Pontiac doesn't share the problem of spark "scatter" OR the pulsing of the oil pump causing issues, the Chevy engines have. Converting it to an electronic trigger is lways a good idea. We've been using the Petronix version.


10-26-2009, 04:08 PM
Alright so basically i can install these things from the 326 on the 400 safely. Which mounts will i have to get the adapter for? the mounts on the 326 wont bolt to the 400? Could you give me a link to the exact adapter i need?

10-27-2009, 09:28 AM
There's only one adapter. It allows installing later blocks into earlier cars and vice-sersa. Ames Performance or Performance Years.

We're not permitted to supply "links" here, so a little "search" is going to be necessary.


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