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1994 lincoln continental air strut hose cracked

10-05-2009, 10:11 PM
i have a 1994 lincoln continental and the air strut hose keeps cracking
im fed up with trying to fix the cracks i just want to replace the 4 hoses but they seem to be non existent from the dealership they want me to switch to the coil system, does anyone know where i can buy new hoses
ive looked on the net but all i can find is the struts
thanks in advance

10-05-2009, 10:29 PM
Over the years, I have had many hoses custom-made. (usually for hydraulic drive systems, but other types can be made, too) Most cities have speciality shops that do this.

Here is the site for one such shop in Calgary. I am sure if you took them a sample of one of the lines and fittings they could make a set for you.


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