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steering ratio..

05-22-2009, 10:30 AM
Can anyone there tell me the different ways for lowering the steering gear ratio of my end take off rack and pinion steering having ratio of 18:1.

05-22-2009, 06:01 PM
The quick and dirty way is to see if you can find spindles with longer steering arms. The same input from the rack will cause less steering angle.

05-24-2009, 05:10 PM
The quick and dirty way is to see if you can find spindles with longer steering arms. The same input from the rack will cause less steering angle.

I may be misinterpreting the question, but isn't that 'shorter' arms?

From my interpretation of the OP, "lowering" the steering ratio means that he wants to quicken the steering effect, so less steering wheel motion is required to turn the front wheels.

05-25-2009, 08:28 PM
Depends on what he means by "lower".

Shorter steering arms will cause quicker turning in effect lowering the numerical ratio. Longer steering arms will cause slower turning in effect lowering the amount of steering.

If he wants to reduce the numerical ratio, then yes, shorter arms.

05-25-2009, 09:32 PM
any other method to quicken the steering ratio?

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