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nOOb here!

03-30-2009, 01:51 AM
Well the name is nick!
Drive a 85 z31 N/A2Turbo.
Live in lakeland florida(sunshine state).
Just found the site,Im on z31performance,zcar,zclubofpolkcounty.com and hybridz!
Im not the best grammer and speller on the keyboard so dont hate!
Im pretty cool and know alot about z31s,z32s and learning the z33s!

So at that WAZZZ UP!:biggrin:

06-05-2009, 12:25 AM
Well the name is nick!
Drive a 85 z31 N/A2Turbo.
Live in lakeland florida(sunshine state).
Just found the site,Im on z31performance,zcar,zclubofpolkcounty.com and hybridz!
Im not the best grammer and speller on the keyboard so dont hate!
Im pretty cool and know alot about z31s,z32s and learning the z33s!

So at that WAZZZ UP!:biggrin:

Whats up...this area of this part of the internet kinda died but every once in a while I check in. I am an ex 300zxTT owner. I still get nightmares in my sleep from that car but I look to join the community sometime in the future again.

I used to have family in Lakeland. All of the old people muddling around town must drive you crazy...

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