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gtp fuel pump?

03-05-2009, 05:18 PM
i have a 2001 gtp, just recently had my first problem. ran fine all day, and out of the blue i turned it on and it died out. over and over again. a few people looked at it and said i need a new fuel pump, unfortunately, because its so expensive. but one person mentioned a resistor, which i read a little about, sounds like not everyone knows about this? from my understanding, this can be as necessary as a new fuel pump? my pump is still reading at 20, i was informed i need 50... but this at least tells me its not totally shot, just not strong enough for a gtp. does anyone know or have experience with this fuel pump resistor? i could really use the advice....

03-05-2009, 05:21 PM
Welcome to AF.

The fuel pump resistor fix is only applicable to '97 - '00 model GTPs. The 2001 and up do not have one like the prior year models.

What is the fuel pressure reading at ignition to ON (fuel pump prime)? Or how did you get the readings?

The specs are 48-55 psi.

It sound like you need a new fuel pump.

03-06-2009, 09:20 AM
I had 2 different mechanics look at it, and they both hooked it up to a computer. One told me its reading at 50, and one told me its reading at 20. I don’t get it. I was really hopeful I could get the resistor kit… now I know I need a new pump…

03-06-2009, 09:25 AM
Huge mistake, good news. My car is a 2000, not 2001…

03-06-2009, 09:43 AM
Well, that is important info and makes a big difference. :lol:

Try the resistor bypass. See link.

Click here (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=658282)

03-06-2009, 11:50 AM
can you explain the whole thing to me a little more clearly, i dont understand what the resistor is or does... if i replace it how long til i need to replace the fuel pump? is the resistor bypass the same thing or totally different? clearly im lost, can you please help?

03-06-2009, 01:26 PM
The resistor is not part of the fuel pump assembly itself but a separate part that can be replaced separately. It is part of the fuel pump control circuits. It ties into the fuel pump speed control relay. It gives the effect of having a two speed fuel pump. By bending the speed control relay tab #85 it prevents the relay from energizing which puts the fuel pump in high speed mode giving maximum fuel pressure. If the car works after this field fix is applied it means the resistor is bad not the fuel pump. If the fix doesn't work then you have another problem like a bad fuel pump. You do this for troubleshooting purposes only.

Here is the location of the part.

Click here (http://www.pfyc.com/pc/WB3006/GPUNDER/Official%20GM%20Fuel%20Pump%20Resistor%20Kit.html)

03-12-2009, 04:04 PM
Ive had both problems with the resistor and the fuel pump in the past. One diference I can note was that when the resistor was bad and the fuel pump was good the car would run for 1-5 seconds before quiting. When the fuel pump was bad and the resistor had already been replaced a year or so earlier the car would not start at all. This may not be the case in all situations but it is what I experienced.

03-12-2009, 05:43 PM
Ive had both problems with the resistor and the fuel pump in the past. One diference I can note was that when the resistor was bad and the fuel pump was good the car would run for 1-5 seconds before quiting. When the fuel pump was bad and the resistor had already been replaced a year or so earlier the car would not start at all. This may not be the case in all situations but it is what I experienced.
X2, my experience as well. A bad pump that caused my car to stall, would not then restart & stall after a few seconds on the 2nd attempt, or 3rd, or 4th, or...:biggrin:

03-13-2009, 08:04 AM
Try Bob's resistor bypass to eliminate it as the cause. During fuel pump prime/start up, the PCM puts the pump in high speed mode bypassing the resistor, then switches to low speed mode through the resistor after the car starts. This is why it starts, then stalls within a few seconds when the resistor is bad. If the by-pass proceedure doesn't change anything, then a fuel pressure test is needed to see if it's the pump or something else.

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