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Fuel Pump Resistor Bypass for '97 - '00 Regal GS

02-24-2009, 12:02 PM
The 1997 to 2000 model L67 Regal GS (Series II 3800 supercharged) has a two speed fuel pump. There are two relays that control the fuel pump via the PCM module. The fuel pump relay and fuel pump speed control relay. Tied into the hi-speed relay is a fuel pump resistor that may go bad.

Symptoms vary but primarily the engine will start but die in a matter of seconds due to insufficient fuel pressure.

Here is an easy method to bypass the fuel pump resistor which puts the fuel pump in the high speed mode which is done at Relay #18, fuel pump speed control relay located at the engine compartment fuse box. A tab/contact on Relay #18 is bent out which puts the fuel pump in high speed mode.


Keep in mind this is a temporary fix and your fuel pump will be running in hi-speed all the time. So sooner or later you will need to replace the fuel pump resistor. Available here (http://www.pfyc.com/pc/WB3006/GPUNDER/Official+GM+Fuel+Pump+Resistor+Kit.html).

GM Part Number: 88951182

Applicable to '97-'00 Regal GS with L67 Series II 3800 engine

02-24-2009, 12:05 PM
Here is the latest post at the Regal forum where this procedure has worked but we have many old threads over the years where members had similar issues and the fix worked.

Click here (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=943271)

05-19-2012, 04:52 PM
The 1997 to 2000 model L67 Regal GS (Series II 3800 supercharged) has a two speed fuel pump. There are two relays that control the fuel pump via the PCM module. The fuel pump relay and fuel pump speed control relay. Tied into the hi-speed relay is a fuel pump resistor that may go bad.

Symptoms vary but primarily the engine will start but die in a matter of seconds due to insufficient fuel pressure.

Here is an easy method to bypass the fuel pump resistor which puts the fuel pump in the high speed mode which is done at Relay #18, fuel pump speed control relay located at the engine compartment fuse box. A tab/contact on Relay #18 is bent out which puts the fuel pump in high speed mode.


Keep in mind this is a temporary fix and your fuel pump will be running in hi-speed all the time. So sooner or later you will need to replace the fuel pump resistor. Available here (http://www.pfyc.com/pc/WB3006/GPUNDER/Official+GM+Fuel+Pump+Resistor+Kit.html).

GM Part Number: 88951182

Applicable to '97-'00 Regal GS with L67 Series II 3800 engine

Total car noob here, which is TAB #2 for this on the Regal? I've pulled out what I need to, just want to make sure I bend the proper one.


05-20-2012, 08:43 AM
When relay #18 is pulled look at the bottom part with the electrical contact spades. It should be marked 85. The object is to prevent his relay from energizing. Either pins 85 or 86 will do that since they are contacts for the relay coil.

Total car noob here, which is TAB #2 for this on the Regal? I've pulled out what I need to, just want to make sure I bend the proper one.


11-15-2012, 08:03 PM
I just love the site after a short time reading and first checking all fuses and then unplugging the MAF sensor with no change I then when to the high pressure fuel pump relay and bent PIN # 2 over the edge and BINGO yes it now stays started and will forever remain this way with 200,000 miles on this ghetto cruiser with dents,rust and a broken side window. I'd say follow my flow of first to last and save your money for more BEER

Tech II
11-16-2012, 07:59 PM
Remember this is a temporary fix.....running the pump at high speed constantly will shorten it's life.....

The fix is to replace the resistor....the resistor is a ceramic resistor that can develope a crack......think there was a campaign/recall on this, but it ran out on time.....it was previously located in the rf fenderwell......when replaced it is mounted on the passenger side firewall.....

11-26-2014, 03:26 PM
I he replaced 2 fuel pump relays over the past 6 months. After each time the car ran for 1 to 3 months (Buick Regal 1997 3800 SC). This last time I tried both suggested bypasses, bending over pin 4 and a jumper between the two pins shown in an illustration neither bypass worked. After removing the jumper and reinserting the high speed fuel pump relay #18 the car starts and runs fine. The resistor was not disconnected at any time. However, the connection where the resistor is plugged into had to be pushed out of the way to get the under hood fuse box cover on. I also thought two of the contact points the relay plugged into had some blue around them. I don't know if the pins on the relay initially had any corrosion on them but they were shinny bare metal when I put the relay back in for the last time. Just to be sure I have replaced the relay with a new one. Has anyone else had a similar problem or any suggestions?

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