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Simoniz Master Wax

11-03-2008, 08:02 PM
Hi, y'all. I have posted on other message boards, but I'm new to this forum.

Has anyone besides me ever used Master Wax? I think it was pure carnauba based.

Back in the early '70's (yes, I'm officially a Geezer!) I used Master Wax paste on a seriously weathered, downright chalky Pagoda Green 1964 Ford Galaxie. It was easy to apply but it dried quickly and was really hard to buff off. I waxed the car, one coat only, in June of 1971 and traded it in January 1972. It was still shiny and water still beaded - seven months later! I remember a ridge of wax on the left rear fender that dried in place before I could buff it, and it was still there when I got rid of the car.

Is there anything on the market comparable to Master Wax? It seems everybody wants a polish that's easy to use but the downside is that it doesn't last very long. I'm willing to use some elbow grease once or twice a year if it means the wax will stay on the car and won't need reapplication every two months or so.

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