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Question about driving Manual

08-05-2008, 11:47 AM
Hey, I just bought my first manual car (mazdaspeed 3) and I had a couple questions I was hoping someone could answer:

1) When I coast on gear (say I am doing 40 mph on 5th), do I need to ride the clutch or do I let the car decelerate before stepping on the clutch? And if the latter would be the correct way to drive, at what RPM or speed would I need to step on the clutch?

2) Is coasting on neutral bad for my car?

3) What will save me more gas coasting on neutral or on gear?

4) I drove my car at 80 mph on 5th for a long stretch on the highway, did that fuck up my car already (I read the manual and it says I should shift to 6th gear when going 50 mph or faster).

Anyways, all very basic questions I am sure, but I was hoping someone could help me out so I don't fuck up my car

05-22-2009, 01:55 AM
Switch the gears at 2000 rPm on the tachumeter and everything will be ok!

05-22-2009, 02:02 AM
riding the clutch is bad on the clutch, riding in neutral is fine, but not necessarily a gas saver. the more you drive it the better "feel" you will get for when to shift. enjoy your manual, it is the way god meant for cars to be.

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