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Old Headlights - New Life

07-28-2008, 09:36 AM
So we bought the "new" Metro 'cause the old one wouldn't run no matter how much time and money we threw at it. Unfortunately, the lady that owned it had it parked in her driveway under a birch tree and that tree just kept dropping more and more sap on the car. We tried washing it off with soap and water, brake clean, pinesol, and a whole bunch of other stuff. What finally worked the best was a product called "Goo Off" (real original). The nasty part was when we were done, the paint looked like hell. So, off to the store for some cut polish and wax. Of course, the paint looks better, but it still needs a paint job, but the point to this story is that, while I was doing the paint, the voices in my wife's head told me to try it on the headlights. I tried it down low in the corner, and you know what? Turtle Wax Rubbing Compound cleaned those lenses great. It took a while and some pretty intense rubbing, but it polished them up real nice. There was still a little cloudiness left in the lens and I figured what the hell and put on a coat of Turtle Wax. Brand new look!

I'm guessing the abrasives in the compound are finer than the ones in those headlight restoration kits and the wax takes care of what they leave behind. I have no idea how long this will last, but if I have to wax my headlight two, three, or four times a year, oh well. On the other hand, I may go out tomorrow morning and find two puddles of plastic on the ground...

Wax on......Wax off.....

Johnny Mullet
07-28-2008, 03:54 PM
I took care of my problem permanently.................



07-30-2008, 01:08 AM
Those are the old style, right? I'm pretty sure I've seen them, but I don't know what years they are from.

Just a thought, though, wouldn't those lights detract from your aerodynamics and hurt your mileage? From your previous posts, it seems like they would be a step backwards. Did you compare before and after mileages?

Johnny Mullet
07-30-2008, 06:36 AM
I am still on that same tank of gas. I am estimating 1-2 MPG loss from the lights. I would rather be able to see at night though since the deer around here get pretty large. One accident with a deer would total the car and I would end up driving my 14 MPH 4X4 again. No thanks.

These lights were offered on 1995-2001 3 and 4 door models depending on trim. I think all 1995 models had these bucket style lights.

07-30-2008, 02:24 PM
i have a http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/images/icons/icon5.gif i bought my lsi 91 has the same headlights as the bottom pic.
my driver side is dim and it has a wire running from inside the car to the this side and if i unplug that wire i have no lights at all do you know why or how i could get that side as bright at the pass side. thanks in advance..

Johnny Mullet
07-30-2008, 08:08 PM
Some of the older Metro models had an issue with a wire behind the fusebox causing headlight problems. Check there first.

07-31-2008, 09:58 AM
Hey Johny, that was a great idea!! Simple, easy, and SAFE!!!!! Possibly a removable piece of Lexan could be fashoned with a heat gun to snap over them.

Take the ability to see where you will be in an hour over the cheaply designed headlight system, The geo engineers really cut corners where the safety of the car is impacted.



07-31-2008, 03:52 PM
4Wheel - I like your solution to the "Deer Problem" !

Crush them!

Problem is...you need an Abrams Tank for the numbnuts drivers out there on the road.

Every accident I've had - I never saw it coming.

And I watch out! I drive VERY defensively. Still....they'll get you!


PS - those cute old 1930's and 1940's sportscar "kits" for converting a PINTO
into an old timer sports car - they should make some for Geo Metros....or do they?

Johnny Mullet
07-31-2008, 07:57 PM
The only conversion I know of for Metro is the "GeoZilla" kit that makes a 3 door hatch a mini pickup truck.

08-02-2008, 09:04 AM
I tried using the new replacement headlihgts (white light) they looked great and I had to replace the plug for the headlights, but the dims were very dim and the brights worked great. NOt sure if I did anything wrong about wiring them but ended up putting the original head lights back in so I can see with the dims on. I still have two sets of the white lights with one set of plugs if anyone is interested in trying them (they are the square 4 by 6 head lights). maybe some one could tell me what I did wrong and I will reinstall them cause the white light is alot better.

Johnny Mullet
08-02-2008, 02:32 PM
maybe some one could tell me what I did wrong and I will reinstall them cause the white light is alot better.
The Metro with non-composites have to take the H4666 lamps for a "2 headlight system" so make sure you are not using H4556 bulbs or equivilaent.

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