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Radar detector

03-07-2003, 09:27 PM
Hello Everyone,
New to the Forum.
I just took delivery of a Laser red G35SC 6MT with Aero and Premimun package last week. I am in the process of installing a Escort Passport SR1 radar detector. This is one of Escort's concealed permanent mounted units. It has front and rear laser and radar detection.
Here is the link for the pictures of the install and of my new baby. http://mr2bob.com/G35.htm

2003 G35SC 6MT
Laser Red

03-10-2003, 11:45 AM
Hey G35bob. Nice ride. I'm just finishing up a stealth install of a Valentine 1 in my Diamond Graphite 6MT coupe myself. I liked the SR1, and it's stealth features, and I live in Virginia, so stealth is a MUST, but I just couldn't get around the cost, and the V1 seemed to get better reviews from most everyone. Plus, the SR1 HAD to be professionally installed, and I'm an avid DIY'er who won't let anyone touch my baby. I've considered getting the SRX (?I think?) Which is just the laser jamming portion of the SR1 to compliment the V1, but it too has to be professionally installed.

Pls. let us know how you like your detector, as I'm quite curious.

03-11-2003, 12:41 AM
Very nice install! BTW, just a suggestion, the car would look a lot better minus the bra! :)

03-11-2003, 07:42 AM
Not by the time I drive 600miles to Phoenix........:flash:

03-11-2003, 10:15 AM
Yeah, I bought the bra as well. I haven't used it yet, but this summer I'll be driving from DC to Charlotte, to Myrtle Beach, back to DC in one week, as well as several trips to the Outer Banks in NC, so I plan on using it then. They're great for long interstate trips...just make ABSOLUTELY sure the car is SPOTLESS clean before you put it on.

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